Q: It's after 2/15/2022, can I still watch the replays from the 2021 Night Photo Summit?
A: No. Those replays were available for one year after the 2021 Summit, and have expired. Consider purchasing a Replays ticket for the 2022 Night Photo Summit.
Q: What does the Replay Ticket include?
A: Instant access to over 45 one-hour presentations until February 12, 2022, streaming on this website.
Q: May I download the replays?
A: No, they are streaming only.
Q: Do I get a T-Shirt for purchasing a replay-only ticket?
A: No, only attendees of the live event received a shirt.
Q: How can I contact you?
A: No problem, we want to help! Anyone can email us at [email protected]. If you are a registered attendee, you may also contact us through the private Attendee Facebook group.
Q: How do I watch the replays of the talks?
A: All the replays are under the Replays menu at the top of the page. If you don't see that menu, it means your browser isn't authenticated as belonging to a paid attendee. In that case:
1) Quit your browser and open it again.
2) Visit here: 2021.nightphotosummit.com/accounts/login
3) You'll receive an email verifying your registration. Click the button/link in that message.
4) The Replays menu should now appear up top.
5) If that doesn't work, try deleting your cookies, and repeat the process.
Q: How do I get my Zoom links?
A: Short answer: click on the blue "Watch Now" button on the individual Presentation/Talk/Panel page. You must be logged in to the website to see your schedule. You will not get Zoom links in email.
If you do not see the "Watch Now" button, you must add the talk to your schedule.
1) Go to 2021.nightphotosummit.com/schedule and add all the talks you want to see.
2) If you are not logged in, then do this:
a) Visit the login page (2021.nightphotosummit.com/accounts/login).
b) Enter the email address you used to purchase a ticket.
c) Check your email for a one-time-use link that will take you to your personalized Schedule page (2021.nightphotosummit.com/attendee/schedule).
d) Once you are logged in, the Zoom links are on each Talk page. Click on the blue "Watch Now" button.
Q: How will you get notifications for the talks?
A: Many ways!
The site we are using to host the event sends these automatic emails.
• Thirty minutes after registering you should get a "Here's your schedule..." email.
• You will also get a "Daily Digest" at the beginning of each day with info on the talks you registered for.
• You will also get one email for each talk you are registered for one hour before it starts.
• At 2 p.m. the day before we start, you will receive a "See you soon" email.
• At the end of each day, you will receive an email with links to the Replay pages. (Note: The video(s) may or may not be posted yet, but we'll work as fast as we can.)
On top of all that, once you log into the website you will have your own schedule right there with all the links you need to get into the separate Zoom rooms.
You can also add new talks to your schedule at any time.
Q: What time zone are the talks held in?
A: Unless indicated otherwise, the times on this website should reflect the accurate times of the talks based on the time zone set on your computer/device. In our advertising, time are listed in Eastern Standard (EST), and are indicated as such.
Q: When registering, it says I need to choose the sessions I want to see. I have to pick them now?
A: No worries! You can change your lineup later. You'll be able to watch whatever sessions you'd like. And any you miss, you can watch on recorded replay!
Q: How do I attend the sessions I signed up for?
A: The weekend of the Summit, you will receive an email with direct links to the individual sessions in Zoom.
Q: Do I need a Zoom account to watch the presentations?
A: You do not need a Zoom account. The summit platform will get you into Zoom. You do, however, need to have Zoom installed either on your computer, or as an app on your phone/tablet, or as an app in your web browser. Here's a link to their free downloads.
Q: Will the sessions be recorded?
A: Yes! And with your Summit registration, you will have one (1) year of access to the streaming replays with your login to NightPhotoSummit.com.
Q: I won't be able to attend all the sessions I want to! What should I do?
A: Don't worry, you can watch all the replays. Plus we will work hard to post them ASAP so you can see them quickly. You will get notifications via email for all the sessions you chose. You can watch any and all sessions on replay for up to a year following the summit, including the ones you attended live.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: All sales are final, and we do not offer refunds. Please keep in mind you can watch all the sessions for a year. Thank you for understanding.
Q: USA Residents: When will I receive my Summit T-shirt?
A: That depends on when you completed your registration. It takes a few weeks for shirts to be printed and shipped, and the state of shipping delays makes ETAs nearly impossible. For folks who register by the morning of January 22, the shirts should arrive right around the conference weekend. People who register after that will still get a shirt, but it will probably arrive after the conference weekend.
Q: International Residents: I'd like a custom T-shirt, how do I go about getting one?
A: Email us at [email protected], so we can arrange for international shipping.
Q: Do I have to be present at a talk to be eligible for that speaker's giveaway?
A: Yes, you must attend the live presentation to be eligible for the giveaway. A name (or names if multiple prizes) will be chosen randomly from among the participants in the online presentation room.
Exclusive Summit T-Shirt for Live Summit Attendees
Our custom-printed glow-in-the-dark shirt is made to order for attendees.
Printed on a Vintage Black Next Level Triblend Short Sleeve Crew, it’s one of the softest shirts we know.
Complimentary shirt is included with registration.
Free shipping to all USA addresses.
International residents pay shipping for complimentary shirt.