Looking for the 2022 Summit?

Tim Cooper

Adding Light to the Night: How to Use Tools and Technique to Create Your Look (sponsored by Coast Portland) (CC)

A Talk by Tim Cooper (Partner, Instructor, National Parks at Night)

Summit proudly sponsored by

About this Talk

Light painting is the art of illuminating your subjects during the long exposures necessary to render your night skies. It’s an exciting and hands-on night photography discipline that enables the photographer to create imagery rather than just capture it.

Mastering light painting is all about understanding light. So in this session, Tim Cooper will not only cover the necessary tools to create this light but will also teach about the light itself. He’ll break down the primary aspects of lighting—quality, brightness and angle—and show how to control each to achieve your desired look.

While many illumination devices are available, Tim will focus on his two favorites: Coast flashlights and Luxli LED panels. During the talk he’ll break down the differences, show the similarities and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each. Through real-world examples he’ll show you how to craft your portable lights to create a look that is uniquely your own.

February 13, 2021, 07:00 PM

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

About The Speaker

Tim Cooper

Tim Cooper

Partner, Instructor, National Parks at Night

Educator, photographer, partner at National Parks at Night, author of just a few books.