Photographing Lighthouses at Night (CC)
A Talk by Chris Nicholson (Partner, Instructor, National Parks at Night)
About this Talk
Lighthouses have long been a nostalgic subject for the photographer, standing sentinel against time and the relentless ocean, as beacons of both danger and hope, firmly planted in the sands of seafaring and Americana.
But photographing them at night? Aye, them seas can be choppy.
In this presentation, National Parks at Night's Chris Nicholson will discuss the basics and the advanced methods of photographing lighthouses in the dark. From tricky exposures, to challenges with perspective, to issues with timing and more. Different types of lighthouses come with different sets of advantages and hurdles, and Chris will go over each. Several techniques can ease or enhance lighthouse photography, and Chris will review those as well.
If you’ve never photographed lighthouses at night, this talk will give you the confidence to take on the challenge; if lighthouses are a common theme, this talk will offer new ideas for mastering varied approaches.
Come seize the light!