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Sandra Ramos

Seeker, Photographer, Roadtripper, National Park Patch Lady Serial roadtripper. Coffee aficionado. Recovering politico. Hello Ranger ambassador. I brake for brown signs.

About this speaker

Sandra Ramos is an avid roadtripper, seeker, history nerd, photographer and photo educator known for her passion for our national park sites. Based in Missoula, Montana, she is a self-taught photographer who discovered photography while loosely documenting her 20-plus-year political career. Sandra’s love of public lands and their stories can be found on Instagram at @nationalparkpatchlady. #IBrakeforBrownSigns

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Panel Discussion: How Photographers Can Give Back to the National Parks (CC)

February 12, 2021, 08:15 PM
Sherry Beltramini Pincus Tyler Nordgren Gary Bremen Sandra Ramos

Planning the Perfect National Park Adventure (CC)

February 13, 2021, 08:15 PM
Sandra Ramos

Panel Discussion: Women in Night Photography—Perspectives from the Field (CC)

February 14, 2021, 07:00 PM
Jennifer Khordi Sandra Ramos Rachel Jones Ross Susan Magnano